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Feedtech Auto Feeder | Neil & Penny Roll - Caramut Vic

This video features a testimonial from a farm owner located 13 kilometers north of Caram on Glen Thompson Road.

He discusses his experience with an automated feeder system first encountered at Sheepvention in 2019. Initially purchasing a 24-metre unit, he soon realized the need for a larger capacity and upgraded to a 36-metre system in 2021. The owner highlights the transition from a 12V system to a 240V system due to reliability issues during cloudy days, enhancing the system's efficiency.

He further explains the incorporation of a 35-ton pellet silo to replace an inadequate field bin that hindered pellet flow, describing the new setup as "bulletproof."

The system's integration with a camera allows remote monitoring, significantly reducing labor as he and his partner manage the farm without additional employees. They also engage in contract harvesting and other agricultural activities, appreciating the freedom and labor savings the automated feeder provides

Neil emphasizes the system's reliability, and the personal customer service received, even recalling a supportive early morning call to resolve a technical issue.

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