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Glenburn Cattle Feeder | Pat Joyce

This video features Patrick Joyce from Glenburn, Victoria, discussing his experience with a 21-meter solar-powered auto feeder purchased in October 2022. Patrick highlights the benefits of the system for his Angus herd, focusing on the ability to value-add at every stage of production. The feeder is designed to handle various rations and cattle sizes efficiently, with flexibility in programming feed schedules.

Patrick emphasises the labor-saving aspect as the most significant advantage, enabling him to manage a large number of cattle with minimal staff effort. The auto feeder allows for controlled induction periods, starting cattle on a specific ration for 10 days before transitioning to an ad-lib feed system. He notes the machine's reliability, ease of use, minimal wastage, and ability to handle different feed types without issues.

The feeder’s solar power ensures operation despite unreliable electricity, and its user-friendly setup makes it adaptable for different herd sizes and feeding regimens. Patrick highly recommends it for its efficiency and effectiveness in cattle management.

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