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Sheep & Cattle Auto Feeders | Scott Langley - Glengarry Vic

This video features Scott Langley, a farmer from Glengarry, discussing his experience with a 30-metre Auto Cattle Feeder that he integrated into a finishing program for livestock management. Due to frequent flooding, Scott needed a reliable feeding system that could quickly transition animals to feed, emphasizing the system's ease of use and minimal labor requirement.

Scott also uses 2x 30mt Auto Feeders for his sheep feedlot operations, each capable of handling 1200 lambs, which have been instrumental in managing feed shortages and finishing lambs efficiently. He praises the system's operational reliability, noting the absence of issues such as shy feeders or equipment breakdowns. Additionally, Scott appreciates the mobile app that allows him to monitor feed consumption precisely.

The installation process, according to Scott, is straightforward and can be completed quickly with basic help. He also highlights excellent customer service, with readily available assistance for any technical issues.

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